Frequently Asked Questions
Please find the answers to some of our F.A.Qs below.
"Do I have to pay to attend a 15-Minute Friendships Session?"
Nope! 15-Minute Friendships is completely free, though we would always encourage you to support the venue by purchasing a beverage or snack if you are able to do so.
"What accessibility measures do you have in place?"
We will always do our best to outline the accessibility specifications of each venue on the Our Events page. Venues are chosen based on safety, inclusivity, and accessibility. There is a "Tap-Out Policy" outlined on our Safeguarding page, which can be used by attendees when they are feeling overwhelmed or would like to cut a session short for whatever reason.
The host will always try to ask attendees about any communication needs they may have, and they will try to tailor each session to the individual's needs when it comes to communication style, volume, speed, and frequency.
"I have social anxiety, will I meet lots of different people at a 15-Minute Friendships session?"
Not usually. 15-Minute Friendships is designed to be a low-key one-on-one (or one-to-two, if you'd like to bring a friend) session between an individual and the host that lasts 15-minutes (or less if you would like to end the session early). You can find out more about the host on the About page.
The host may ask you a few questions at the start of the session so that they can do their best to gauge your comfort level and tailor the session to your needs. There is no pressure to chat or keep the conversation going, you can simply sit and draw if you'd like.
We do occasionally run bigger or group events, but these will be very clearly sign posted as such so that you can make an informed decision about attending. For more information on our pop-ups, check out our Upcoming Events page.
"Can I bring a friend / support worker?"
Absolutely! If you'd feel more comfortable with a friend or support worker by your side, you are welcome to bring them along. In order to provide the best possible experience, we normally ask that sessions are kept to a maximum of 2x attendees (plus the host), though we can be flexible with this to accommodate additional needs. We may also host group events in the future if this is something there is interest in.
"Do I have to book in a time slot?"
15-Minute Friendships pop ups are always drop-in style events unless stated otherwise. Simply show up and sit down when the host is free!
"How will I recognise the host?"
At the moment, there is just one 15-Minute Friendships host (Bridie). You can usually identify them by their round glasses and purple-blue lanyard. We also use a
big vinyl sign and/or smaller table-top sign to help you spot our pop-ups, so keep an
eye out!

"What do I talk about?"
Anything you want. 15-Minute Friendships is designed to combat loneliness, so you're free to chat about any subject with no fear of the host being bored or disinterested. The host will usually ask you a few questions to get the ball rolling, but you're free to lead the conversation if you wish. Equally, there is no pressure to chat at all. If you'd rather sit quietly, just let the host know.
"Are sessions timed? What happens if we go over 15 minutes?"
The host will make a note of the time the session has started and bring it to a gentle end around the 15-minute mark, though they will not interrupt you mid-flow if the session runs a little longer and there will be an option to extend the session if it doesn't appear as though anybody is waiting. Time management is the host's responsibility, not yours, so you can relax and concentrate on getting the most out of the session.
"Are there any topics of conversation that I should avoid?"
As a general rule, the host will avoid discussing anything that could potentially be triggering to the attendee. We do not want to discourage attendees from discussing the topics that are meaningful to them (though there is no pressure to get deep, you can very much keep it casual if you'd like). That being said, the host may attempt to steer the conversation away from particularly dark or distressing topics if needs be. We never want an individual to leave a session feeling low or sad.
The host also reserves the right to end the session if they are feeling uncomfortable at any time. Please avoid making any statements or exhibiting behaviours of an oppressive, aggressive, or marginalising nature.
"How do I submit feedback / make a complaint?"
All feedback, positive and negative, can be submitted anonymously through the Feedback form.
Can you host a session in sign language?
We do not currently have any hosts proficient in British Sign Language, but this is something we are hoping to expand upon in the future.
What should I do if I have a safeguarding concern about the host or project?
If you have a concern that is specifically about the project or host, we advise you not to address this with the host directly. Please follow the advice outlined under our Safeguarding Policy. This may involve addressing the concern with a venue owner, contacting an independent organisation for support, or escalating the matter to a local authority.
How can I support the project?
You can support the project by making a donation to us on Ko-fi!
All donations* will go towards the running of the project and to support attendees. This could include helping to fund travel costs, materials, or even to buy a hot drink for a lower-no income attendee.
If you have any questions or would like any additional info on what costs donations have been allocated to cover, please email Bridie Daniels at
*Please note that 5% of all donations go directly to Ko-Fi to support the development of the platform.